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Aborted projects ready for release.

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Apart from dubbing releases and direct releases, some projects in our TFI were shelved recently due to some financial problems and state bifurcation problems.  As known to us, Yevadu and Auto nagar Surya are releasing  this December. Two more movies joined the list which were fighting for their release since 6 months.


Nani’s Paisa will be releasing on 22nd of November. Krishna vamsi is the director and Catherine Teresa is the heroine in this fllick. This movie is struggling for release since 6 months. Finally, it cleared its way and getting ready for release. Raghavendra Rao’s Intinta Annamayya which remained on hoardings and wall posters since an year, will release on november 15th. Yalamanchali Revanth is debuting as hero with this flick.